
8oz. of pure evil

It's day seven of the new diet. I'm calling it the Token Fat Girl diet, in fact, I'm declaring it! Okay, so I can't take credit for a lot of the ideas behind it, but I feel like I gave it a Lorrie twist. We'll see, don't want to get ahead of myself, its only been a week.

Let me just state here and now that I'm a total hypocrite. In fact, a major one. I've been on a high horse about artificial sweeteners for quite some time. And while I think they are horrible, I've had like six mini diet cokes since Friday. I don't want this to be some sort of habit, but the caffeine has been a nice kick lately.

What else? Oh, I had my weekly dessert last night at the local diner. I had a hard time deciding between the German chocolate cake or a chocolate sundae. I went for the sundae with walnuts (you know, for protein.) It even had a cherry on top and it was so very good. I defiantly savored it and I didn't feel the need to gorge myself on chocolate afterwards. I thought for sure this would cause some sort of water-weight gain or some weird reaction with my body and I would be right back up to 283. I was wrong, still 277.

Today I've had almost no hunger or appetite for food. I didn't think it was possible. I woke up, had a mini-diet coke (argh) and then a few strawberries w/ a little whipped cream on top. Not really a balance meal. I worked really hard physically in the apartment today. The purging is still going on, and I'm confident when I say that this process is nearing an end. I actually created an area in the bedroom for creating artwork.

Anyhow, after the strawberries around noon I didn't think about food until about 7pm when Josh offered to take me out to get Indian food for the beginning of my birthday week. I had it all planned out, no naan and no rice. I did have one pakora though and rationalized that it is mostly made of vegetables (insert snicker.) For dinner I had a salad and tandori chicken. It was good and satisfying and I didn't even miss the rice. I'm actually thinking about making my usual chicken tikka masala this week with brown rice. And possibly a whole wheat baked macaroni and cheese.

One more thing, last night at Rite Aid we spotted something called "crave control" spray. I talked Josh into getting it for me, you know, for scientific blog experimentation. I was actually having a small craving after dinner tonight so I sprayed some in my mouth and bam, no cravings! It could all be in my head, but the real test will be during that special time of the month.

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Blogger Kriss said...

Is it wrong that I'm giggling at your justifications? (The pakora having vegetable stuffed in it & the walnuts on the sundae.)

I do the same thing.

I hope this works for you! It sounds like a balanced meal plan, and it's easy to follow.

BTW - we only eat brown rice, too. It takes a little getting used to......but white rice tastes sticky & pasty to me now.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think it is great that you are modifying it to fit your needs! Good luck and keep us posted!

Wohoo on the loss too!


12:17 PM  
Blogger Naya Designs said...

This is such a great blog! Your story is very motivating to me.

I make weight management bracelets that have been very helpful and they have a great name (Skinny Bitch bracelets) :) I would love it if you would take a look!


Take care!

PS I am totally looking for that Crave Away stuff!

3:41 PM  
Blogger You'd be so pretty if... said...

Every little step counts. Keep up the good work!

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They actually make a crave control spray? HA if only it were that easy?

11:42 AM  

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