
Stats for Sunday September 9th

2 eggs
5 slices turkey bacon
2oz. turkey kielbasa
California club pizza
peach passion alcoholic drink
cookie mix sundae

Weigh in: 275.0 (15 lbs to loose for mini goal of 260 by Oct. 20th)

Exercise: a lot of walking in Manhattan

Notes: Lets just call this the weekend of indulgences! There was Indian food then French food and then to top the weekend off there was pizza from the California Pizza Kitchen and then we stopped in Dylan's Candy Bar, left, then returned. Me and Josh ordered (then regretted) two of the most over the top sundaes ever ($10 each!). It started with caramel lined cups, and then ice cream, candy, whipped cream, pieces of a cookie, whipped cream, sprinkles, then more drizzles of caramel and chocolate. Seriously, while watching them make it, I kept thinking "ok, he will stop adding....now, no...now? no!" it got embarrassing after a little while watching him add...and then add and then add. It was the most over the top dessert I've ever had. I left wishing I has gotten the frozen hot chocolate instead. It was an experience either way. We did do a lot of walking around the city, not that it covers the sundae :)

Anyhow, this week looks good food and exercise wise, I'm not doing that whole "tomorrow will be better" crap, today I own what I did ate and move on. No eating out this week!

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