
Step away from the peppermint brownies: day three

It feels really good to see the scale in the 270's again, even though I know I hold onto water like crazy, its just nice to feel like I'm doing something right to decrease that. I'm so happy about this, that I wish I had a weight watchers weigh-in this week for a moral boost before the week of indulgence. I'm thinking about trying something a little crazy next week, in the form of exercise (oh my!) Could it be possible to exercise at least 30 minutes every day while on vacation?? I don't think it will be possible on the driving days as it takes 10-12 hours to drive from nyc to va/wv. I'd like to do this!

I'm going to try to pop-in for blogging a little while I'm gone. This weeks blogging has really helped me, setting a goal and making the little graphic for it has really helped keep me motivated and dedicated to eating less this week. I don't have a lot of time for this post this morning, but I have this feeling like I have to do it, I have to post. And to be really honest, I didn't want to post those two peppermint brownies that I ate last night! I bought those for gifts (and still are gifts) and I thought, what would it hurt to eat two? I don't feel really guilty about it, but just another example that I should not have sweets in the house even if they don't really belong to me. It's a good thing that I don't totally love peppermint+chocolate or it could be worse. But, its also sad to note that I ate another one anyway even though I don't really love them. Like the Fat Bride's Maid said this past week. A lot of us eat things because they are there, not because we actually like it, or want it.

I better go now, have a wonderful Wednesday!

PS: I forgot to put this in my chart, but I have 17 flex points left after yesterday.

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Blogger Krissie said...

Have a wonderful time in WV! We'll be so close! Sometime when you go in (maybe when there's not a holiday), we should get together!

Have a VERY MERRY Christmas!

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Eva Maryam

7:26 AM  
Blogger Jillian said...

I absolutely cannot have goodies in the house. I tell myself to be strong but brownies have actually called me by name lol... Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

10:49 PM  

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